Natalie Anderson
Team Leader

Lauren Forte

Lois Herman
Welcome to Year 6
At Humberstone we follow White Rose and use the Small Steps planning to structure our curriculum and lessons. Children will work through the units with opportunities to develop their fluency skills alongside their reasoning and problem solving. In year 6 the children will learn to solve problems involving addition, subtraction and will multiply and divide multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a 2-digit number using formal written methods. Throughout the year the children will build on their knowledge of fractions and will explore ratio and proportion as part of their new learning. Children all take part in daily skills and drills to develop their rapid recall of times tables, key number facts and maths knowledge and to review and recall prior learning. The children take part in chanting and quizzes regularly to support their long term memory.
In year 6, as part of their English teaching the children will read: The Hobbit, Macbeth, Trash and The Highway Man alongside other short stories and texts. The children will analyse and explore the language and grammatical features within fiction, non-fiction, plays and poetry and will use this to support and enhance their own writing and understanding of audience and purpose. The children will complete a range of outcomes, including: narratives, non-fiction pieces, letters and diaries. Including, a setting description of the Hobbit hole, an information text on dragons, a formal letter and a narrative linked to the poem “The Highway Man”.
Within guided reading sessions there are further opportunities for the children to analyse and read extracts from a wide range of high quality fiction, non-fiction texts and poems.
Science is taught discretely and in year 6 the children continue to develop their substantive and disciplinary knowledge through a range of taught topics. The children begin the year learning about animals and humans in the Autumn term and will build on their learning from previous years about the human body. The children’s learning will include: knowledge of the circulatory system, the impact that diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle has on their bodies, how nutrients and water are transported around the body and the function of blood. Children then move on to learn about inheritance and evolution, where they learn how living things have changed over time through the exploration of fossils and the use of case studies of palaeontologists such as Mary Anning. The children will learn about adaptations over time and how this may lead to evolution, where they will learn about Darwin and Wallace. In the Spring term the children will learn about living things in their habitats and will look at and learn about classification keys before creating their own. Children will explore observable characteristics and will develop their knowledge further of why plants and animals could be classified in different ways. The children will then learn about light, light sources, how it travels and the formation of shadows. In their electricity topic, the children learn about series circuits, electrical symbols, and the children will plan and carry out their own investigations to consider the impact that different components have on the way that components function can change depending on the circuit.
History Projects
The History projects in year 6 are based around Ancient Civilisations. Within the Autumn term, children learn about different Ancient Civilisations including Ancient Sumer, The Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt and The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China. The children will learn about where and when these civilizations appeared and will study the Ancient Egyptians in depth. Within the Summer term the children will revisit their knowledge of Ancient Civilizations and will learn about the Ancient Greeks. The children will learn where Greece is, what they believed in, the governance, education, architecture, philosophy and theatre and how these have helped to shape our modern society.
Geography Project
In year 6 the Geography project is focused around the knowledge of the water cycle and our water sources. The children learn about the human and physical features within the local area that are linked to our water sources and consider the impact these may have when observing water pollution through different fieldwork studies. Throughout the project the children will use a range of equipment to check the quality of water and will analyse the data, present, and record their findings. The children will work with and use a range of maps including, ordnance survey maps and digital mapping, to identify places and water sources. Within their second Geography project the children will focus on their field work skills and will have the opportunity to develop their confidence and ability to use maps accurately and effectively.
Within the art curriculum in year 6 the children will look at a range of artists, paradigms and outcomes. Within the Autumn Term the children will produce a mixed media piece of artwork linked to their science learning. They will study Barbara Hepworth and will take part in a gallery visit to The Hepworth in Wakefield. In the Spring term, the children will build on their previous learning of textiles and will learn new stitches to join fabric, embroider and embellish designs. The children will learn about Jean-Michel Basquiat and will incorporate his influence into their art. Within the Summer term the children will create a photo mosaic. They will learn about photography and will combine this with the study of the painter Gustav Klimt.
Within the design and technology curriculum the children learn about the design cycle and will design, plan, make and evaluate in line with different design briefs. The children will use research to inform their designs and will create innovative, functional and appealing products that are fit for purpose and aimed at particular individuals or groups. In year 6, the children will create computer aided designs for a textiles project and will design a structure that contains mechanical systems such as cams. Children will have the opportunity to use a wide range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing.
RE lessons are taught weekly and children learn in depth from different religious and spiritual ways of life about teaching about hard times, focussing on exploring death. Children are encouraged to share their own ideas and views where appropriate. In the Spring term, children
Learn from two different religions about why their holy buildings and works of art matter to them as expressions of devotion to God and worship, and about how people practice generosity and charity. They focus on Christianity and from Humanism, a non-religious way of life. Within the Summer term the children learn from different religious and spiritual ways of life through exploring three important ideas from three different religions in ways that relate to commitment.
The children will take part in 2 PE lessons a week, alongside other active lessons and opportunities. In year 6 the children will begin their term with swimming lessons where they will continue to improve their knowledge of water safety and safe self rescue, alongside the development of their ability to be able to swim a minimum of 25 metres unaided. Throughout the year the children will be taught by a specialist sports coach and their class teacher. They will cover: swimming, handball, gymnastics, football, hockey, dance, netball, cricket, tennis, badminton, tag rugby, rounders and athletics. The children will have the opportunity to take part in various sports clubs, events and competitions throughout the year.
In year 6 the children will learn about the world wide web as a communication tool, learning how we find information through search engines through selecting and ranking. The children will investigate different methods of communication, before focusing on internet-based communication. The children will then develop their knowledge and understanding of how computers are used to produce 3D models and will plan, develop and evaluate their own 3D model. Finally in the year the children will explore the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. The pupils will then apply their knowledge of variables and design to improve their game in Scratch.
In music in year 6 children will explore the concept of rhythms using everyday materials such as cups where they will learn about rhythmic notation and will perform different rhythms. There will be opportunities within the year for the children to explore the music linked to Ancient Civilisations such as the Ancient Egyptians which links to their History learning. Then the children will move on to learn about the origins of Jazz and Blues music, focusing on the history of the music and then progressing onto performance, improvisation and composition skills. In the Spring term the children will review and recall their knowledge of rhythmic notation and will begin to explore melodic notation. The children will recognise the use of stave notation and will begin to read both treble and bass clef notation. When learning about 20th Century music the children will experience further the depths of Music Technology through Garageband. Children will explore the key features of film music and how the different genres of film create a different musical experience for the audience. Within the summer term, the children will learn more about Rap music and will be taught about musical theatre, which will support and link to their end of year 6 performance.
Year 6 Residential 2024
You can find all the information about the Year 6 Residential at the link below.
Find out everything you need to know including where the residential will be, what activities are on offer, what happens on each day, what to bring, and more.