At Humberstone Junior Academy, inclusion is at the heart of our day to day practice. We value diversity and recognise the benefits to everyone in having an inclusive education. Through project based learning, novel studies and creative mathematics, we aim to provide a wealth of learning opportunities encompassing challenge, achievement and creativity. We want our children to develop their unique talents and strive to improve and excel in all they do. We understand that, with the right support from staff, parents and outside agencies, nothing is beyond the reach of our children.
As a school we are mindful of, and comply with, the LA Expectations of Schools, which outlines the key ways pupils should be supported in class, along with expected equality duties shown in the school’s Equalities policy and statement and our access arrangements as shown in the school’s Accessibility Plan.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy can be found on our Policies page by clicking HERE.
- SEND Advice For Parents
- HA School Offer – SEND Information Report
- What is the Local Offer? A short animation (
- SEND Local Offer (
You can contact the SENDco by Email:
List of websites to support Special Educational Needs (SEN) Children:
- Leicester City Local Offer Understanding special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and the support available to you.
- Early Help To support children and young people of any age and can be supported from all kinds of services and organisations who work together to support the family.
- SENDIASS A free independent service providing confidential advise and support to parents/carers of children with SEND.
Targeted support for additional needs
Our school offer (see below) shows the full range of specific targeted support we give identified pupils to address their additional needs. Different interventions and approaches are used to address specific areas and we carefully consider your child’s individual needs when deciding how best to support your child and which of the interventions to use. All interventions and approaches included in this document have been shown to have a positive impact on pupils’ learning. If you have any queries relating to the type of support we use in school, please contact the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).