Caterlink is the company chosen by the school to provide the meal service to our students.
Caterlink specialise in providing catering to schools and colleges across the country and are passionate about serving fresh, high quality and locally sourced food that is cooked in the school kitchen.
You can find out more about CaterLink HERE.
We consider the lunchtime period to be a very important part of the school day.
In the dining hall we want the children to have the opportunity to socialise, practise good manners and make healthy choices.
There are usually 3 choices of main dish, always including a vegetarian option, served with at least two vegetables, salad, potatoes and/or rice. For a second course children can choose between fresh fruit, yoghurt or a variety of puddings.
There is also a sandwich option available from the hatch.
You can view the current menu HERE
Instructions for how to book and pay for school Meals can be found HERE
We are aware that children experiment and try out new dishes. The lunchtime supervisors and kitchen staff will encourage them to choose a balanced meal and then try everything they have picked, but they do not insist that everything on the plate is eaten up.
Children are also encouraged to be independent when they are:
- Cutting up their food
- Managing knives and forks
- Disposing of left-overs in the right place
Our lunchtime supervisors will help your child throughout the meal, but if you feel that your child has not yet developed these skills, perhaps you could practise at home.
Children need encouragement from all of us to be as independent as possible when eating lunch:
Can they manage to open the packages, pots and cartons?
Do they know where to put the rubbish?
Can they close the flask tight so it does not leak?
Parents are responsible for lunch boxes and should put the box in the child’s class trolley in the morning. They can be collected from the trolley at the end of the day.
Remind your child to;
- Throw away uneaten food and packaging at lunchtime.
- Bring home unopened food
Food must be sent in a secure, labelled lunch box.
Water is freely available to all children in the dining hall and we strongly recommend that you let your child drink this at lunchtime. If you do send water in the lunch box, it must be in a suitable container that is non-breakable and easy for the child to open. Please do not send in any fruit juice, squash or flavoured water as these can attract insects like ants and wasps and may also contribute to tooth decay.
Children with packed lunches are expected to keep the ‘Golden Rules’ for the dining hall.
Nuts are NOT allowed as they can cause severe allergic reactions in some children and are easy to choke on.
As a health-promoting school we encourage children to develop healthy lifestyles and choices.
You can support us by providing a well balanced, nourishing packed lunch.