Pupil Premium Statement
The academy takes a holistic approach to children’s barriers to learning and addresses pupil’s individual needs rather than providing a blanket approach to intervention.
The vast majority of pupils needs are met through a high quality challenging curriculum, leading to year on year improvements in standards for all children.
The school takes a rigorous approach to ongoing assessment, ensuring that children’s progress is monitored termly and all staff are involved in discussions about pupil progress and data. Pupil Premium funding has been targeted at the most vulnerable pupils (socially, emotionally, academically) to provide bespoke and specialist support.
The Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to underachievement. These children are classified as disadvantaged, meaning that due to family financial circumstances they are eligible to take up free school meal provision, or they are children looked after by the authority. The funding received by Humberstone Junior Academy has been used in a variety of ways, identified in detail below, in order to improve attainment and help overcome barriers to learning.
Monitoring and Evaluating the Impact of Provision
Additional provision is monitored in the short term, session by session, by those staff providing support.
This information should be discussed with class teachers/ team leaders and if appropriate members of the SLT. The overall effectiveness and impact is also evaluated termly usually through pupil progress meetings and SLT meetings to review the impact of interventions. In evaluating effectiveness, a range of evidence is used including:
- Attainment and progress of individuals and groups
- Feedback from staff, the child, parents and other professionals who may be involved;
- Examples of learning through photographs, recorded learning, pupils books
- Lesson observations and learning walks by members of the leadership team or TA Manager
- Evidence relating to improved confidence, wellbeing, attitude, participation in class, behaviour etc.
- Specific surveys and tools, for example the Myself as a Learner Scale, or Goodman’s Inventory
The academy directors/ governors will have a monitoring oversight of the effective use of Pupil Premium Funding and the provision it supports.