PHSE Curriculum Statement
Curriculum Intent
At Humberstone Infant and Junior Academy, we believe that pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed choices about their health, wellbeing and relationships and to build their self-efficacy to create a happy and successful adult life. PSHE is central to the positive, caring and healthy ethos at Odyssey Trust.
Through PSHE provision we aim to:
- Promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, at school and in society
- Develop pupils’ confidence and self esteem
- Prepare pupils to be active citizens
- Encourage pupils to have healthy lifestyles
- Support pupils to develop good relationships
- Create a safe, secure and respectful learning environment for all
To mirror our School ethos and values, we have followed a question based model to teach PSHE across the school.
You can view the PHSE and RSE Curriculum Knowledge and Vocabulary Taught here:
PHSE and RSE Curriculum Knowldge and Vocabulary Taught
Below outlines the PSHE coverage for each year group.
Year 1
In Autumn 1, the children will learn about themselves and the personal qualities that make them unique. They will also consider similarities and differences between themselves and others and be able to use the correct terms for different parts of the body including those that are private to them. Autumn 2 focuses on relationships with family and people who are special to them and how they show they care for them/are cared for. In Spring 1, the children learn about how to keep their bodies healthy and who helps them stay healthy. Spring 2 has a focus on money and the children will gain a basic understanding of how money is obtained as well as making choices about what to do with their money (save/spend). During Summer 1, children will be taught about safety, who is there in the community to help them and what to do if they don’t feel safe. Summer 2 has a strong focus on children’s roles and responsibilities and how they can care for their community/environment.
Year 2
The Autumn term has a strong focus on relationships and the children will learn about how to build and maintain positive friendships as well as solving arguments. They will also understand that bullying is unacceptable and can hurt others feelings, as well as how to report and respond to bullying. In Spring 1, the children will build on their knowledge from the previous year and learn about how to earn money through having a job, and consider the different job roles in the community. Spring 2 focuses on keeping safe. Children will learn why there are certain rules in place to keep them safe and how to identify risky and unsafe situations as well as how to respond. In Summer 1, learning focuses on keeping their bodies healthy through physical activity, food and drink and sleep and rest. Finally in Summer 2, children will learn about different feelings and emotions and why they feel these in different situations such as loss and change. They will learn how to manage these feelings and who to turn to if they might need help.
Year 3
In Autumn 1, children will build on their prior learning about relationships and focus specifically on developing and maintaining positive friendships. Autumn 2 focuses on keeping safe both at school and at home. Children will consider the importance of everyday health and hygiene rules and routines and how to respond if there is an incident. In Spring 1, the children will explore how families differ from one another, the importance of families and how they should care for each other. During Spring 2, the focus is on learning about the community in which we live, how we belong to a variety of different groups and being respectful towards people who live differently to them. The Summer term has a strong focus on health and wellbeing. Children will look into the importance of having a healthy, balanced diet and as well as the importance of physical activity and good quality rest.
Year 4
During Autumn 1, the children will learn about how their personal attributes, strengths, skills and interests contribute to their self-esteem. They will also consider the importance of goal setting as well as managing setbacks that may arise along the way. Autumn 2 focuses on relationships and treating each other with respect. Children will learn how to respond if they witness or experience exclusion, disrespect or discrimination. The Spring term has a strong focus on health and wellbeing. At the beginning of the term, children will consider a range of feelings and emotions, how to express and manage these and how feelings can change over time. The last half of the term focuses on growing and changing. Children will learn about how their bodies will change physically during puberty, including menstruation. They will be taught about personal hygiene routines during puberty as well as how and who to ask for advice and support about growing and changing during this time. Summer 1 teaches the children about caring for their environment, whilst Summer 2 focuses on keeping themselves safe in a range of different situations including online, as well as recognising and managing risks.
Year 5
In Autumn 1, children will consider the personal attributes and qualities that make up their identity as well as considering the similarities and differences between people. They will also learn about what a stereotype is, how they are not always accurate and how to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about others. During Autumn 2, the children are taught about making decisions when spending and saving money and the risks associated with money (it can be won, lost or stolen). In Spring 1, children will learn how to carry out basic first aid. They will also learn when it is appropriate to use first aid and when to seek adult help in an emergency. During Spring 2, children build on their prior knowledge of positive relationships and friendships. Children will be taught that online friendships differ from face-to-face and the type of content that is safe to share online. They will also learn how and who to ask for help and advice if a friendship makes them feel worried, unsafe or uncomfortable. Summer 1 has a focus on health and wellbeing and how the use of drugs can affect this. They will learn that some drugs are legal/illegal and that there are laws around the use of drugs to protect them. Children are also taught that drug use can become a habit that is difficult to break and there are organisations to help and support people if they have any concerns about drug use. Finally in Summer 2, children will begin to consider a range of different careers and the skills, attributes and training needed. They will learn about different career paths and consider how they might choose a career for themselves when they are older.
Year 6
In the Autumn term, teaching focuses on health and wellbeing. Children will explore how their physical and mental health is linked and how having positive relationships and a healthy lifestyle can support their wellbeing. They will learn that physical and mental health problems can build up if not recognised or managed and are therefore taught how to recognise the signs of ill-health and who they can speak to about this both in and out of school. Children are also taught about Female Genitalia Mutilation (FGM) and how this is illegal and goes against their human rights. During the Spring term, children look in depth at the media and how this can affect people’s wellbeing. Children are taught that not everything should be shared online and there are rules around this. They are also taught to recognise suspicious or unsafe content online and how to respond and report anything that is untrue, frightening or threatening. Finally in the Summer term, children will recap the physical changes to their body during puberty as they grow into adulthood. Children will explore the different types of relationships people have in their lives, including romantic and intimate relationships and the way couples care for each other. In these lessons the children will be taught about the reproductive organs and the scientific process of reproduction. They will also learn that people engage in sexual intercourse as an act of love as well as to conceive a baby and understand that contraception can be used as a safe measure to prevent this*. Finally, children will learn how to manage change, including moving to secondary school, and where they can seek further advice/support regarding growing up and changing.
*Parents have the right to withdraw their children from aspects of Sex Education that go beyond the scientific process of reproduction.