PE and Sports Premium Statement
At Humberstone Junior Academy PE and competitive sport plays a key role in the education and development of our children.
PE lessons and opportunities for competitive sport develop children’s cooperation, determination and perseverance. PE lessons are taught by skilled practitioners and children’s progress is rigorously assessed. Targeted provision through the Change4Life program is put in place for children to develop fine and gross motor skills.
The school places a high value on competitive sport and children have the opportunity to represent the school in a range of individual and team intra and inter-school competitions including basketball, netball, rugby, football, golf, hockey, cricket and cross country running.
A wide range of after school clubs are provided for children to develop their skills in activities such as dance, gymnastics, badminton, football, basketball, netball, cricket etc.
Swimming is a key life skill and all children swim for eight weeks each year at Humberstone Junior Academy.
The school holds Healthy School Status and the Activemark in recognition of our work with sport.
Healthy living is promoted through the school PSHE curriculum and visits from the NSPCC and to Warning Zone, assemblies and Project Based Learning eg. creating a committee to make an informed decision about the catering provider at the academy.
Family days out take place on Saturdays throughout the year and encourage physical exercise and fun (ice skating, games at Hunstanton beach etc).
This year, we succeeded in achieving the Gold Sports Mark Award and are very proud of the effort the pupils and staff put in to achieve this!
Sports Premium Allocations and Evaluations
Evaluating the Impact of the Primary PE and Sports Premium 2023-24
Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sports Premium 2023
Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sports Premium 2022
Juniors Sports Premium Allocation 2021-22
Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sports Premium 2020 – 21
Juniors Sports Premium Allocation 2020-21
Sports Premium Evaluation 2019-20
Juniors Sports Premium Allocation 2019-20
Junior Sports Premium Evaluation 2018-19
Juniors Sports Premium Allocation 2018-19
Sports Premium Evaluation 2017-18
PE and Sport Premium Allocation 2017 – 18
PE and Sport Premium Allocation 2016-17
PE and Sport Premium Allocation 2015-16
PE and Sport Premium Allocation 2014-15